These are 5 tools (plus a bonus one) that I use daily in my eCommerce businesses to help me save time or achieve goals…

I’m going to talk to you about the top 5 tools that I use as a seller but outside of Amazon.
Basically outside of any e-commerce.
So these apply to an E-commerce that you’re doing.
If you’re doing Shopify, if you have WordPress blogs if you have WooCommerce, Amazon FBA.
It doesn’t matter if you’re selling on Etsy or if you’re selling at the flea market.

Maybe not the flea market but these will apply to the majority of e-commerce.
So these are tools that don’t belong to one platform.
And I’m gonna start…
let me give them to you in no particular order because one may be more important than others depending on what you are doing and depending on what am I doing at that time.

And we’ll start with Canva.

Canva is what I use almost daily. I use this for in my podcast. I create my banner ads for the podcast.
I create images that I get from another tool which is Pixabay. This is where I get my images.
And if I want images and I want to edit these images, I’m going to take them over to Canva. I’m still talking about Canva.
I just brought up the second tool just because it fit in there. Now, I’m gonna edit these pictures in Canva.
I can add text.
I can crop them.
I can do a ton of stuff.
If you want to, you can even include sound in a picture, but that is a premium version, all right.
Now another tool that I use, like I said I’m gonna grab the pictures from Pixabay. So is where I can grab a ton of pictures, thousands and thousands of pictures that basically you can use without attribution rights.

Without having them infringing on somebody’s copyright.

Those pictures are there for you to use freely.
Now you have the option to buy a coffee to the owner of that picture or not. It is up to you.
Nothing is mandatory.
They’re free for you to grab. Now, what I always do is remove backgrounds from a lot of sceneries from even my own product pictures. And I remove the background even if it is pure white. I can remove it and have only a PNG file, which is a transparent file, of only my product.

When you have a transparent file of only your product, you can drag and drop your product on top of any image and it feels like it fits there.

It belongs in the picture because there’s no background. There’s no white background, there’s no black, gray, nothing.
Now to do this in seconds, you wouldn’t believe this.

This may be the number one tool just because how cool it is. And let me tell you, none of these tools, not one of them I’m affiliated with none. All of these have a free version. I use the free version for most of these and you can too.

This one I do pay like $7 a month and it is called Clipping Magic.
Clipping Magic, if you are for example up until not too long ago months ago, I was going on Fiverr to get backgrounds removed for every picture.
And every picture that I got background removal cost me let’s say $5 on Fiverr, right?

And they would do a great job. I can’t complain.
Great job done there. Now the thing is, in 10 seconds, literally 10 seconds, I can remove… and if it is a product on a white background, I would say it takes me 3 seconds to remove the background.

There’s a green button where you’re gonna click over what you want to stay in the picture and then you click outside, basically on if it’s a blue sky, you click with the red button on the blue sky and it disappears instantly. So it would remove your product and leave your product alone. You can try it for free I’m pretty sure.
Basically, just go to That’s it. And so that is Canva, Pixabay, Clipping Magic, that is three.

Number four is WordPress. WordPress where you can create free blogs. Basically, you would have to pay for hosting, if you don’t have a server. I do have my own server just because for many years I’ve had tons and tons of… I used to have hundreds of blogs and websites.

Now, I don’t even have 100. But the reality is you can get a hosting company for 3-4 bucks a month and they would have your blog or your website up in the air, so people can see it live.
Now why do I like blogging?

When you’re doing e-commerce, everything that you can do to call attention to your product, to get more eyeballs on to your listings is important because it will give you more traffic.
Now, if for 3 or 4 Bucks a month you can get a hosting company and have a blog that is going to have some nice content, but of course you will have to write it or pay somebody to write this content for you, related to your niche.

Let’s say you are selling supplements.

You’re selling Garcinia Cambogia.
So you are going to want to write long form articles. Long form articles. We’re talking about 2,000 to 3,000 words, not characters. We’re not talking about characters. 2,000 to 3,000 words. Of course these are going to be preferred by the search… search ranking for Google, Google’s crawlers.
They’re going to prefer this so they can index you quicker and faster and better for good SEO because your content is good and relevant. But you have to make sure you have it good and relevant.

So blogging is number four.

Like I said, in no particular order. But if done properly today, in these days nobody wants to do long-form blog. Open a blog, even any podcasts, the show notes, you’re gonna see they don’t have 200-300 characters, let alone 2,000 words. Nobody does that anymore.

There’s no such thing. So when the Google crawler see this, they go and check and index it. And if the content is relevant, if it’s good, you’re gonna go to the top even though you don’t have any backlinks yet.
And of course that’s something that we can bring up in another episode, how to get backlinks.
How to get the proper backlinks and not just the spammy ones.
Let’s get to tool number 5.

And number 5 would be ClickFunnels. This one I do have an affiliate link for it.
I’m not going to bring it up here on the show just so you guys don’t think that I am trying to sell the tool.
It would give you a 14-day free trial but I’m pretty sure if you go to, you can get the free trial anyway. And this way I won’t get any commission from it.
Not that you would lose anything. But ClickFunnels is a software that allows you… it’s drag and drop it will allow you to build your sales pages, your sales funnels outside of whatever platform that you have. With this, you will be able to capture your audience’s emails, your audience’s information.
Of course, you can pixel them, retarget them. And now we’re talking about Facebook advertising maybe that could be tool number 6. That is very important for the business.
It will be your bonus tool here is Facebook advertising. If you know how to do that of course. If you don’t, you either have to learn or you have the hire somebody.
But like I said, with ClickFunnels, you can draw sales funnels. Basically build your pages, your landing pages that are going to direct your customer to where you want them.
That’s why it’s called a funnel, right? The top is open where everything comes in. All the traffic comes in. And at the bottom, the only thing that’s going to drip from the bottom is basically all the people that didn’t exit the funnel.
That people that actually converted and became your customers. So you’re going to direct them there and you can create your up sales, your down sales. It is an incredible tool if you want to work with it.
The full version for ClickFunnels alone is $97.
If you want the full version with everything, it is going to cost you like 300 bucks, $297.
And like I said, there’s always a way to get 14-day free. You can contact me here if you want my affiliate link that will give you 14 days for free.
Just contact me at and I can arrange for that. Or even if you guys are comfortable with it, I can throw it in the show notes. And that is it.
So that’s my, not the top 6 but these are 5. Let’s say 5 with a bonus. These are the 5 tools that I use outside of the e-commerce platforms, but do help me every day with my e-commerce business. All right thank everybody for listening.
Please subscribe so you don’t miss anything. And remember, start grateful stay positive and always profit.

Quin Amorim, Host of Amazon FBA Selling Online Podcast