Thank you Pat Flynn

Today I want to give credit to someone who helped me growing my online businesses and coming out with a podcast in order to help others myself.

Back in 2011, there was an event called FinCon and it was the very first FinCon ever
On that stage was a nervous young man, who was also speaking on stage for the very first time of his life.

His name is Pat Flynn, and nowadays most online entrepreneurs know Pat since he has helped thousands and he has become an online influencer.
Pat also hosts a couple podcasts, The Smart Passive Income Podcast and Ask Pat.

I remember wanting to launch my podcast, but every time I hear the recording of my own voice I thought I sounded silly, and at the same time I had a bit of the so-called Impostor syndrome (this is a feeling people have when giving advice or helping others, that sometimes doubt settles in your mind and you start asking yourself, who am I to give advice. and this can be the killer of a podcast, or live videos or even speaking careers.)

But I heard Pat’s very first episode, where he struggled with the exact same feelings, but he ended up launching it and eventually everything becomes easier, and we start to tolerate the sound of our voice and to realize that in order to help others you need to realize the knowledge you have can make a difference in someone else’s life, even if they end up never telling you that.

Pat grew so much as a person and as an authority in online passive income generation.
8 years after speaking o stage at FinCon, he is launching is own conference called Flynn Con
Just for the record, this is not an advertisement and I don’t have any affiliation with Pat’s event.

July 26–28, 2019 San Diego, California.
Family friendly event
surprise guests

Patt sent out one email and the event is already 50% sold out.
There is going t be a regular pass and a VIP pass that will give a front seat to the whole event, lunch with Pat, photo Op and early access to QA and smartbar



Quin Amorim, Host of Amazon FBA Selling Online Podcast